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HDF5640-AF-V2.0 drawings

Hellowe're using MB1550 eval board with mb1379 daughter board and HDF5640-AF-V2.0 (OV5640 on a FPC) to test camera function. We'd like to tests another sensor, i'll design another FPC with our supplier but i need HDF5640-AF-V2.0 drawings to have the ...

SEsto.1 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H757I-EVAL: SDMMC Initialization problem

I'm using STM32H757I-EVAL and trying to implement SDMMC.However,  I get some errors in these parts of code.At first, the error happened SDMMC_cmdAppCommnad.But now I can see the error SDMMC_CmdGoIdleStateI did change frequnecy of sdmmc, enable hardwa...

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Resolved! UART Booatloader for STM32F469I-DISCO

Hi, I would like to test out the UART bootloader functionality for the demo board STM32F469I-DISCO. I am using reference documents AN2606 and Demo board schematic. I am assuming  I need to follow below steps to achieve this.Please let me know if I am...

NAmam.2 by Associate II
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xQueueCreate not creating any queue

Posted on June 16, 2017 at 15:08I'm using NucleoF207G in that I'm trying to freertos queue using STM32Cube but i can't able to create any queue using xQueueCreate API . Pls give me a Proper suggestion .-ThanksK.Manikandan

STM32U575 incorrect timing

I am testing the functions of STM32U575 and found the following issue.I simply wrote this in main(): while(1){ for(i=0;i<160;i++); HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_11); } where i is defined as uint32_t.HCLK is set to 160MHz by using PLLCLK with...

TIMER Interrupt and Other Interrupt

Hello All, I am progressing toward my goal. I am bit banging a GPIO port every 2 uS based on a Byte buffer. I can not use SPI because I need to send a predefine number of bit that is not 8 aligned. So I use a timer and every UIF event I reset the GPI...

vbesson by Senior
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Resolved! Code is stuck in XSPI_WaitFlagStateUntilTimeout

I am currently trying to write to an external Flash via QSPI (SST26VF064B). So far I have been able to successfully configure the chip as required and I have also been able to read some configuration registers in the flash so I know I can communicate...

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Kwame by Associate II
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