how to get the right 1us period
Hi everyone,Please how can i get the right period 1us without using DWT unit,I want to synchronize with sensor that requires a high precision of clock.Thanks in advance,Regards
Hi everyone,Please how can i get the right period 1us without using DWT unit,I want to synchronize with sensor that requires a high precision of clock.Thanks in advance,Regards
I have bought the NUCLEO-F401RE & NUCLEO-PLC01A1. My questions as followsI want to have a comport on F401RE (not the USB to COM virtual Com port) to communicate with a barcode Printer. Based on a input, I will print a barcode. I will send over the se...
in AN3012, it mentions about "Tiny_kernel_boot_loader.hex",But I cannot find it,Can somebody help?
Hi everyone,I would like to receive some advice whind kind of MC I can use to realize my flat screen detector in the easiest way.Thatfor I need the following things:at least 8 I/O (more would be preferable)1 Mux 1 Demux1 ADC (8bit are suficient)1 shi...
Posted on July 13, 2018 at 22:20Any one have any info on when cubemx support for stm32h750 might be available?
Posted on July 03, 2018 at 15:21Hello,I have plenty of problems to debug on STM32F746-DISCO with openocd and eclipseThe most frequent is that, just after programming the Flash, the MCU goes directly on the Hard fault handler, and does not even go to...
When will the STM32H743VIH6 become available for samples from ST and general sales through distributors?
char recv_string[10];char data;int count = -1,i,data_check = -1;void USART3_IRQHandler(void) //my interrupt handler{ if(USART_GetITStatus(USART3,USART_IT_TXE)) { data = USART_GetChar(); if(data == 0x0D || data == 0x08) data_check = 1; e...
Under FREERTOS on UART3, I receive a 40 byte packet every 2.5ms @ 921600 baud . I programmed the Rx FIFO to interrupt at 1/2 level threshold. Everything works fine for about an hour. Then, for some reason, I get an overrun condition which seems to me...