User Activity

Hey there,I communicate with electronic component that communicate with UART.I use STM32F0 MCU. I send Uart messages and make some process after electronic component sends its own Uart data. My problem is:When i use Uart_transmit. My uart receive int...
Hey there,-I just buy STEVAL-IDB007V2 BlueNrg-1 board to develop application. I downloaded and set up BlueNRG GUI v3.0.0-When connect the board to PC i open the BlueNRG GUI v3.0.0. Port is seen where the ST DK is. -But when i try to click Open. It gi...
Hey there,i want to reach my flash memory through UART. I can do this with ST-Link device but now i want to do it with UART. I use STM32F091CC MCU and as datasheet says i configured the UART pins(PA9-PA10) as Asynchronus UART in CubeMX.My baud rate i...
Hey there,I want to use bootlader with uart in my mcu. I just installed STM32 CubeProgrammer. When i try to reach flash memory with ST-LINK there is no problem. I can program it. But i want to reach flash memory with UART. My port is correctMy baudr...
Hey there,I can finally send lin messages from stm32. But now i want to receive and handle received LIN messages. But in datasheet of mcu says receiving is totaly independent from normal usart receiver. I can not find any example to receive interrup...