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Hi,How can i find the Pin voltage of different Pin of Board P-NUCLEO-WB55-Nucleo(stm32WB55RGVx), Especially the Pins used for UART communication? (Tx and Rx Pin)I didn' find a clear information in the Datasheet of this board:
Hi,using STM32WBRG, I was able to connect to the board via BLE: i installed the app "ST BLE Sensor" and then i was able to turn off/on the led. (Code generated by CubeMX). all works fine. In fact, I followed "STM32WB_workshop" proposed by ST.In the n...
Hi, I tried to flash to the STM32WB55RG .. I am using a USB type microB connector for the flashing connected to Connector 15 (CN15) of the nucleo card (the jumper JP1 is connected to pin [7-8] and the two leds LED6 and LED5 are red) and I am using IA...
Hi all,I want to handle STM32F407 Disco via VCP. In the first case, i tried to configure UART but when i connect my USB TTL converter to my PC: it informs me that VCP error ''This device cannot start(code 10)''.I thought that the probem is related ...
Hi,i use STM32CubeMX and Keil 5 for my embedded project and now I want to create a Desktop GUI using QT to command STM32,I want first to just create 4 buttons which correspond to 4 leds of the STM32F4 Disco Board,Please can anyone help me:Environm...
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