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USB Microphone

I'm trying to send a Audio data from MEMS microphone to Device through USB. I had defined a configured a descriptors accordingly. But I'm facing Error message that is *!*ERROR: No open pipes!.[Port1] : USB Composite DeviceIs Port User Connectable: ye...

pugazh19 by Associate
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STM32F103 SPI Master receive only mode

MCU : STM32F103VET6 (Master & Slave) STM32 Cube MX : 6.12.0 Firmware package version : 1.8.6 Master MCU configure- Receive only Master- NSS : Disable ( However, different GPIO sent a signal for the slave NSS )- Clock 72 Mhz - SPI Prescaler:  4 (9.0 M...

Ryuyeon by Associate
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flash programming disable

hello everyone.. I am using the STM32F429 Discovery board and want to prevent reprogramming of the internal flash after initially flashing the firmware. Once the code is programmed, it should continue to run normally, but no further programming acces...

Resolved! STM32F407 and CAN protocol in Loopback mode

Hello everyone,I'm trying to use the loopback mode on the  STM32F4DISCOVERY. I configured the CAN peripheral and i started the transmission by adding data but when i try to verify the reception process i can't find data in the RxHeader. 

Azizz by Associate III
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STM32U073 - Can you bootload a factory-new device?

I have on my desk an STM32F407 Discovery board and an STM32U083 Nucleo board.  My intent is to write software for the F407 to bootload the U083 via I2C.  As far as I can tell, these are the general steps:Drive BOOT0 high and pulse the NRST pin on the...

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Resolved! SPI Receive Only DMA

Hello,I am using an STM32F401 board and trying to read a sensor using DMA. The sensor is a receive only sensor, i have tested with block SPI if the sensor works and it does. I am trying to read the sensor via DMA as it must be implemented with multip...

STM32L051 halt on HAL_RCC_ClockConfig

Hello folks,I have an issue with STM32L051C8T6 - processor halt always on HAL_RCC_ClockConfig verification and have no idea where it's coming from.I made a simple blink project with only two lines of code as a new CubeIDE project (all defaults) with ...

DNiko.1 by Associate II
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