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Forum Posts

STM32F401RBT6 HSE Clock Issue with TCXO

I’m designing a board with the STM32F401RBT6 and have decided to use a 48 MHz TCXO for the HSE clock.I’ve written a simple "Hello World" program that communicates through USART.the TCXO i used : TG2016SMN 48.0000M-MCGNNM3 Observations: When using the...

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STM32 with FlexIO or PIO?

Dear STM team,do you consider to add "Programmable IO" (PIO, as in RP2350) or FlexIO (as in NXP MCUs) to your chips?It would be really cool: often I need interfaces on MCU which are not available as a peripheral devices, such as: MDIO (Master), JTAG ...

newlib and FreeRTOS memory management

hi all,we're using SW4STM32 on a project that uses CubeMX-generated code with FreeRTOS. Our own application is a mix of C and C++. We soon found that malloc/free (used behind the scenes by C++) don't play nice in the multi-threaded environment.Dav...

DShar.17 by Associate II
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Resolved! Tips for a beginner in STM32

 I'm taking my first steps as an embedded engineer, especially in STM32. I've been looking for a specialization that will give me more experience, in addition to the 35 years I have in IT (Client/Server) and about 10 in embedded systems.I'm currently...

Problem with Timer2

Hi  I have am using the Timer2 on the STM32L433 chip, and for some reason the interupt gets called as soon as timer is started.  Below is my code, and the  clocks are running at 60MHz.  Anyone any idea what I have done wrong? Many ThanksScott. void m...