User Activity

 I am trying to link static library in gcc. Getting error "Undefined reference to 'g_pfnVectors'" and "Undefined reference to 'HAL_TIM_MspPostInıt'"Makefile:static_test.elf $(OBJS) $(USER_OBJS) makefile objects.list $(OPTIONAL_TOOL_D...
I am currently working on user programmable project.In my project, I want to make static library from all of my Middlewares, Drivers, Azure-RTOS, Include files, Source files, linker and startup. Therefore, I created new static library project in STM3...
Hello Team,In my application using STM32G431KCU6 at 160MHz, I want to trigger ADC2 channel by TIM1 channel. I aim to read ADC value synchronously with 1.1kHz pwm signal. When I set up the CubeMX config, i can see that TIM1 trigger OutputCompareCallba...
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