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Forum Posts

Cache problem with FreeRTOS and MPU

Hello everyone,For my current project I need the FreeRTOS+MPU to work on H7. I got it somehow to work with DTCMs. However, when I try to move the complete memory allocation to the AXI SRAMs the FreeRTOS is hanging in the systick handler (there is a f...

JLima by Associate II
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How to adjust timer?

I am trying ti adjust the timer2 of the stm32f4 to 400khz​ but it does not work. Even though my calculations on Prescaler and counter are right for the frequency that i aim for, Timer is not working as it should be. By the way i am using Hal library.

MKara.17 by Associate II
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IO-link software for P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1

Hello,I tried to connect to the board P-NUCLEO-IOD01A1 with IO-link control tool but without success . I think that the mcu doesn't have the IO-link software.Could you please support me to connect and test the IO-link protocol.

AYous by Associate
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