I need a STM32F411 DISCO USB Host example using FreeRTOS.My project is based on STM32F401. I don't have target hardware yet & have survived with a NUCLEO 401 and linking wire. That won't be good enough for USB.Nearest is a STM32F411 DISCO but my rush...
Hi,I implemented a composite device program for my mcu (STM32F407IG) .Everything is working fine and the mcu get recognized as cdc+msc.Somehow it won't connect to the vcp when i am using a terminal program like HTerm to send data to vcp.Anyone have e...
Posted on September 19, 2016 at 08:59Hi all, for my project I developed an USB composite device (MSC + CDC) based on an STM32F2.Since ST doesn't provide an example of a composite device based on the HAL, it wasn't so easy to have my device working, ...
when i try to config the QSPI module to work in single mode in the following way: QSPIHandle.Init.DualFlash = QSPI_DUALFLASH_DISABLE;instead of Jump to user application (in QSPI_BASE address)i got hard fault
I am using the Evaluation board with STM32H743XI . Please let me know where to find source code of the IO expander Board MX_V3 on this EVAL board or a link to download it.Thank in advanced
To setup Ethernet takes more than 4 seconds in low_level_init().Is the LAN8742A so slow and is the DP83848 in MII mode faster?Thank you.
If we don´t use the NRST pin how o what to need to put to this pin to protect from ESD. The other question is the pins that don´t use from the micro what I need to do with them (put pull-up or pull-down o kepp open externally) ? referring to ESD.
As you know, project made by MDK-ARM (KEIL) is not built on TrueStudio. Is there any method to convert this project into the form of TrueStudio? I really wanna compile it but KEIL is too explensive for me to buy.
Hello,I wrote some code on a NUCLEO- F401RE to drive a X-NUCLEO-IHM15A1.The Nucleo board is powered externally (JP5 set to E5V), but I still connect the USB cable to my PC to debug.Even if I'm not debugging, the start up time (time between the power ...