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Forum Posts

RTC alarm problem only with some MCUs

Hi, I have a strange behavior with the RTC alarm only with some MCU. In my project use the STM32L476, when I set the alarm the MCU wake up without problem, but this work fine only with some board. On the other boards with the same MCU and the same FW...

felia by Associate II
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STM32L4 HAL I2C communication

Posted on January 09, 2016 at 20:34Hello.I recently started testing the communication over I2C on a NUCLEO-L476RG board using the HAL API.Looking through the reference manual (

Using bxCAN HAL; STM32F072

To begin, I have a question regarding the CanTxMsgTypeDef and the CanRxMsgTypeDef configurations (listed here.)My question is, how to properly initialize the parameters :uint8_t Data[8]; of CanTxMsgTypeDef and uint8_t Data[8]; CanRxMsgTypeDefI can lo...