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Forum Posts

Resolved! CAN Write State issue

Dear, I am trying to run the CAN Communication in STM32F407 discovery board, In CAN_INIT I have made controller state to Ready after that I have changed the controller state from ready to LISTENING in CAN_START function,   but when I am trying to exe...

Resolved! Undocumented behavior of capture/compare registers

Hello,I tried to set a capture/compare register to a value beyond that of the auto-reload register, and the timer I used (TIM8) behaved as if the value had not been written. Reading back gives the expected value though. I haven't dug more but I'm cur...

rbraun by Associate II
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Resolved! OTG_HPRT>PENCHNG bit in STM32H743

[Not a bug report, explanation below, first post kept for context]I'm writing a USB host library for the STM32H743 rev V. Bits PENA and PENCHNG of register OTG_HPRT represent Port enable and Port enable/disable change. Port enable is supposed to be a...

JBernard_1-1725316374583.png JBernard_2-1725316381451.png lS9ZB1H.png K831E2a.png
JBernard by Associate II
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Repetition Timer PWM Help

 Hello, I'm wondering if there is an obvious way to generate a limited set of n pulses from an external trigger?At the moment i'm using TIM8 in one pulse mode with repetition but my problem is that i want the White pulse train to start with the risin...

Stemcy by Associate
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Resolved! NRST Pin going low while programming for a milli second.

Hii,I am working with stm32f100 series microcontroller, where I am having issue with NRST pin, I have connected a capacitor of 0.1uF(also tried 10uF) between NRST pin and ground. Microcontroller has an internal pullup. and it is showing 3.3V at the t...

Ragini by Associate II
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STM32H7 Custom Project Schematic review help

Hi guys,I been working on this project for some time now on my "free time"...but so far without any success.In the first prototype I have assembled all the peripherals(QSPI, eMMC, SDRAM, some I2C and SPI slaves peripherals and DSI display.).Nothing s...

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pema by Associate II
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DMA channel1 Stream 0-7 which channel to choose

Hi i m working on H732 timer1 as PWM and its working fine, but when I try to implement DMA on timer1, there is no waveform. I enclosed the DMA code below, as I declare an array of 10 PWM duty cycle values..i suspect it's the Timer1 channel1 stream th...

StanJerm by Associate III
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