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Resolved! STM32U5x: USB ECM demo - how to setup host?

I am progressing on porting the CubeU5 project for STM32U575I-EV as Ux_Device_CDC_ECM to a NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q board: The USB enumeration seems to work: I hear the sound and I see also an USB "STM32 CDC ECM" device.BTW: very important to go with the righ...

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tjaekel by Lead
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STM32U5xx: USB ECM on Windows - please license driver

My USB ECM project on NUCLEO-U575 and NUCLEO-U5A5 - it works now, on all OS platforms. This project and demo for a STM32U575I-EV (where I have converted from) needs a vendor driver on Windows.Windows does n...

tjaekel by Lead
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Resolved! STM32U585 IWDG Early Wakeup Interrupt and Stop modes

The manual I have for the STM32U585 describes the Independent Watchdog (IWDG) peripheral and says it has an Early Wake-Up Interrupt (EWI) feature.  The manual says "Wake-up from Stop with interrupt is supported only in Stop 0, Stop 1, and Stop 2 mode...

BDoon.1 by Associate III
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HSE OSC configuration fails STM32H7S

I'm new to STM32. I made a custom board using STM32H7S3V8T6, but I think the HSE OSC configuration is failing. If I build main.c in (in Boot, not Appli), if (HAL_RCC_OscConfig(&RCC_OscInitStructure)!= HAL_OK) This part doesn't make HAL_OK, so this go...

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cyn7 by Associate
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Resolved! STM32H743 ADC3 Acquisition voltage accuracy

Now I want to use ADC3 to collect the voltage of single-ended signals. I used IN1 channel to collect the reference voltage source of 1.5V and the internal channel to collect the internal reference voltage source of the chip respectively. The test res...

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hanqingze by Associate III
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STM32U0 1.8V and USB 3.3V

Hello! I am working with a STM32U073 on 1.8V and I want to use the USB feature. Indeed, the datasheet tells us that USB needs a separate power supply around 3V (4.1 Power supplies), but every time when I apply this voltage on VDDUSB pin, it goes to t...