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Resolved! STM32 CPU clock vs GPIO clock

Hiwhat is the relationship between the speed of the CPU and the GPIO response. for example, I have a CPU clock of 72MHz and a GPIO clock of 36MHz and I set the pull-up when is this pull-up visible to the CPU because e.g. I would like to read the port...

sholojda by Associate III
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STM32L4 in Stop2 mode (Debug vs Release)

Good morning,I have an application based on the STM32L475 device that is running in many devices since many years ago. We have observed that, sometimes, some of the devices are resetted --> Here you have the main specs of my device:- Device is workin...

Resolved! USBPD CC orientation STM32G071RB

Hi, I am troubleshooting a custom board using USBPD as sink. It only negotiates a PDO on one orientation of the USBC connector.Checked with an oscilloscope and I see waveform going to CC1 on the orientation that works , naturally, and changing orient...

josemdq by Associate II
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STM32F407 CDC Host - IN transaction always returns NAK

I've setup an STM32F407 as a CDC Host on the HS peripheral with Full Speed (FS) comms, but the IN transaction always returns a NAK and no Device data is received on the Bulk Data pipe. I used the USB Host example from (userfunction that only t...

Paulus by Associate II
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Resolved! FDCAN interrupt not working

Hello,  I am trying to make FDCAN work but I am not receiving any messages. The TX is working fine but when trying to receive messages the interrupt is not triggered. I am using STM32H7 series with freertos. I have set the filter, started FDCAN, enab...

PPopo.1 by Senior
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mmc deinit problem

Hi, We are working on a low power application which uses an emmc memory. Now we have problem when Deinit mmc driver. When mmc is disabled we have a base consumption of XXuA (stop 2 power mode) but when it is needed mmc must be enabled (using Init fun...

cgamu by Associate
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Resolved! STM32F446 Tempreature Sensor, ADC

I am trying to read ADC value of internal tempreature sensor of my STM32F446 board. The data sheet says that the temp sensor is connected to ADC1_IN18 (page no. 37/198), but there is no such pin in STM32F446xx pin and ball descriptions. Can someone p...