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Forum Posts

I am using STM32F401RB controller. Iam using external oscillator of 8MHz. The HSE and PLL mode is used. When i try to run the program, it hangs and no output. When I configure the internal oscillator it works fine. Please let me the solution for this.

I have called the three functions as: HAL_Init(); SystemClock_Config(); MX_GPIO_Init(); HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOC, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO_PIN_SET);when debugging it either jumps to hard fault or hangs.The SystemClock_Config() is as follows:void Syste...

NSury.15 by Associate II
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ArduCam on STM32L476RG

Hello. I'm a student and need to do some project with STM32L476RG board. One part of the project is to use ArduCam 2 MP. So, i'm looking for a code that i can use.

LEssi by Associate
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How do you setup ITR0

I see that those ITR0 .. 4 are connected somehow to timers you can use it as timer trigger.How do you set it up working. Can somebody provide sample code ?I want faster timer to control (start, stop) with slower time. I have spent a few weeks experim...

MNapi by Senior III
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