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Forum Posts

ADC accuracy without internal re-calibration

Hello,I have an application, where I need ADC samples at a fixed rate, if the device is running. So, I can do a ADC self-calibration at start up and while idle, but not while the application is running.The application can run for several hours and th...

T B by Associate II
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How to turn on backup RTC registers on STM32F051R8T6

Hello, i have probem with backup registers, which are powered from VBAT pin on Dicsovery board.First problem was CubeMX init, where i can't choose LSE source, because the value of clock box, was not active. I tried differend things like change txt c...

shybiss by Associate
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Which pins are needed to program a mcu via swd

hello everyone !i'm using a nucleo board (NUCLEO-F401RE) to program a MCU STM32F301 placed on newly fabricated pcb; the mcu has never been programmed.i have disconnected the jumpers to use the CN4 connector. i have just connected the SWCLK (clock sig...

ABoya.14 by Associate II
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Resolved! Oscillator calculation STM32

I want to use a STM32F103, STM32L431, 451 and 471 microcontroller, but i don´t know if the crystal that i selected (ABS07-120-32.768kHz-T and ABMM2-8.000MHZ-E2-T) is valid for this microcontroller.And another question is how to calcule the load capac...