Hai , my name is Dattu i am working on a project which involves measurement of current using ADC on STM32f407VG to achieve this i am using a 30A ACS712 sensor i have interfaced the sensor but when i am running the program i am getting a const...
I'm trying to rotate the BLDC using PWM(50% duty cyle, 2ms pwm time period). My timer initialization code:static void MX_TIM2_Init(void)
/* USER CODE END TIM2_Init 0 */
TIM_MasterConfigTypeDef sMasterCo...
Hello,I am facing trouble in sending data out from STM32F407VG Discovery board (connected to base board) using UART6 (J1 and J2 jumpers are connected). Connected the Tx pin of RS232 port on baseboard to PC COM port Rx pin and sending data periodicall...
HiI'm using STM32F407G-DISC1 with STM32F4DIS-BB expansion card for SD card. I've selected SDIO, SD1 bit and middleware as FatFs in cubeMX. I've generated code and added my custom code as follows:#include "main.h"
#include "fatfs.h"
the output which i expect should vary according to the change in voltage (or) a constant voltage with variable load i have tried both the ways in case if this sensor is not appropriate for this task how can i proceed further my final aim is to meas...
do you mean that i cannot use ACS172 sensor on stm32f407vg board and in that case do i have any other alternative to measure current on stm32f407vg like any sensors or do i need to build my own circuit thankyou