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Mipi dsi with LCD issue

Hi Everybody,I have a difficult problem. I use STM32F469I-Disco to porting new LCD on it.My LCD driver IC are ILI9806E and ST7701s. they are having the same problem.they can be lighted on, but image is not the same as my setting.Example: I use BSP_LC...

CYong by Associate II
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How to use VSP on Nucleo STM32F746 board

I have a nucleo F746 board powered from CN1 (USB from the ST-LINK side) and I am interested to use the other USB port (CN13) configured as Virtual Serial Port (VSP) and start debugging with the printf () and log on a PC (the STM32 does not yet have ...

BMM by Associate
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How do I generate 'N' PWM pulses on TIM2 CH4.

I have inherited a PCBA that needs to generate a fixed number of PWM pulses on TIM2 CH4.I have successfully setup TIM1 as the Master (with repetition count = 0) and TIM4 as a Gated Slave.TIM1 CH1 is generating 2kHz PWM indefinitely.TIM2 CH4 is genera...

CStas by Associate
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Resolved! VCAP layout

I'm sure everyone else has noticed how the two pins to VCAP seem to be placed just over a complete side of the package away so there is bound to be some resistance/inductance in the tracking. I was wondering if anybody has ever hit problems with thi...

MikeDB by Lead
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What is primary risk for STM32F427 ADC if VDDA-VREF+ exceeds 1.2V max recommended operating difference by 300mv. Our system VDD=3.3V, VDDA=3.3V, VREF+=1.8V, Accuracy lost? IC damage?

DocID024030 Rev 9 states:4. If VREF+ pin is present, it must respect the following condition: VDDA-VREF+ < 1.2 V.Normally, I would just make changes to satisfy, but a change at present product development stage is very costly. Using LQFP144 pkg if ...

JEsko by Associate II
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I cant program my controller using st-link V2.

Hi,    I am using stm32f103vc(100pin-LQFP) controller in my board while i try to program my board using st link v2 programmer it shows error message like "dev target held under reset".Programming pin connected as follows.SWCLK--->PA14SWDIO--->PA13GND...

SB1 by Associate II
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Transfer Data Program via SPI to FPGA

Hi there,i want to implement my MCU to program a FPGA via SPI. Is there any helpful guidelines on this topic? I am a newbie with STM and i hope that someone can help me here.Thanks in advance.

arduo by Senior
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Resolved! Where can I get GCC linker scripts and register files?

Hi all,I am looking for Gnu C linker scripts. I found linker scripts inside the Cube bloatware after waiting 2 hours for the download to finish (yes, not everybody has Gigabit internet) but:they don't work with GCC. For example __data_start is not...

hugo1 by Associate II
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