How to track calendar with RTC in STM32F103CB?
Hello everyone,I want to do not change date, When I load a new program to STM32F103. How can I do these ? Thank you
Hello everyone,I want to do not change date, When I load a new program to STM32F103. How can I do these ? Thank you
Hey guys,I have expereinced a very strange behaviour of my STM32F429ZIT6 custom board:When I execute the following code the processor behaves differently in free running then in manual stepped mode or my oscilloscope seems to be completely broken - w...
HelloI would like to know if all STM32 cards have dual bank flash mode.I have two cards, a STM32F746 Discovery and a STM32L475 Discovery. Apparently the STM32L475 has mode but not the STM32F746.Is that right?If a card does not have a mode, is there a...
I'm using an IMU 9250 (who works with I2C) and I need use at least 4 ADC single-ended channels. but, unfortunately, I'm not able to accomplish it. When the STM32f303k8 has the code (i2c + 4 channel ADC with DMA) and the 4 ADC pins are not physically ...
Hello,I have the following basic code calls every 20msec. double test = 2.80009; TESTA11_ON; for (i=0; i < 500; i++) { test *= test; } TESTA11_OFF;When I compile and link with or without the FPU I always have the sam...
#define SPI2_CR2 *(__IO uint32 *)0x40003800#define timer4_CR2 *(__IO uint32 *)0x40000800void setup() { Serial.begin(115200);}void loop() { Serial.println("SPI"); Serial.println(SPI2_CR2,BIN); SPI2_CR2=SPI2_CR2|(1<<0); Serial.println(SPI2_CR2,BIN); Se...
ES0320 [1] describes an I2C errata "Spurious bus error detection in master mode":DescriptionIn master mode, a bus error can be detected spuriously, with the consequence of setting the BERR flag of the I2C_SR register and generating bus error interrup...
Hello,I have created with stm32cubeMX full configuration for my project.I have 3 memories:nor flashSRAMFPGAI also find the following information in my cubemx project:Chip Select:NE1 Memory type:NOR Flash Address:24 bits Data:16 bits Wait:Asyn...
I realize that I can read the ID Code Register at 0xE0042000, but I am not sure how the silicon revision is indicated for a specific device. Is it readable though the codes on the device itself?