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STM32 Flash loader

Can I load (config.h) file from my PC to STM32F103 flash memory using STM32 flash loader demonstrator ???

sne_123 by Associate III
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Upload a config file.

How can I upload a config text file to stm32 flash ??? what softwares do zi need to install and what will be the procedure to check the presence of config file and update the firmware accordingly with new settings????

sne_123 by Associate III
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STM32L4 Pin State in shutdown mode

We are trying to set the STM32L431 controller to shutdown mode.During the shutdown mode, Pin PA15 shall be at low level.Unfortunately the pin does not stay at low level during shutdown.We have configured the pin with „HAL_PWREx_EnableGPIOPullDown(PWR...

A.R.C by Associate II
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Run-time UART Buadrate change

I am working on STM32L462CE MCU and my requirement is to change the baudrate of UART at run-time. So, how I do that?. Can you please give me the solution for this. First set to 9600bps, after 921600 and at last 115200.

AP_040 by Senior
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How do I configure ETM tracing on an stm32?

Hello, I am trying to use a segger jtrace pro debugger with an stm32303E-EVAL board through the ETM trace connector, however I am not seeing a signal on any of the trace pins including the trace clock when running my program. I've ensured I have cont...

AOlve by Associate
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What criteria (requirements) are used to determine the HSE clock has failed (sets the CSSF interrupt in the RCC_CIR register) on a stm32f103x processor?

Documentation simple says the HSE clock failed. What does "fail" define. Does "fail" imply that there are no clock oscillations applied to the HSE pins? Or a frequency below some value that will set the CSSF flag in the RCC_CIR register. What would b...

bgabl by Associate
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