Bug in HAL_ADCEx_Calibration_Start
The function using ADC_CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT. This timeout is defines as:/* Fixed timeout value for ADC calibration. */ /* Values defined to be higher than worst cases: low clock frequency, */ /* maximum presca...
The function using ADC_CALIBRATION_TIMEOUT. This timeout is defines as:/* Fixed timeout value for ADC calibration. */ /* Values defined to be higher than worst cases: low clock frequency, */ /* maximum presca...
Im using the X-CUBE-EEPROM to simluate an eeprom with the flash for a nucleo development board (NUCLEO-L452RE-P).When adapting the example and debugging it, the HardFault_Handler routine from EEPROM_Emul/STM32L4/Src/stm32l4xx_it.c is called when the...
Dear Members,I want to test my SIM900 module,Do I need something more from this code ?printf("TEST SIM900\r\n"); //usart_pstr("AT\r\n"); target =0; //UART1 selected printf("AT/r"); HAL_UART_Receive(&huart1, (uint8_t *)&RxModem, 8,100); ...
I am using stm32756G eval board. I want to generate a pattern of two PWM pulse along with a delay. Example: A pulse of 1Khz + delay (milliseconds) + A pulse of 1KhzI am able to generate a PWM pulse of 1Khz.Is there any example for that in stm32cubef7...
This https://www.analog.com/media/en/technical-documentation/application-notes/AN-835.pdf helped me but I was not able to dig deep about STM32F429 regarding this.
Hi guys, I have a project where I need to use STM32 ARM processors I want to be able to program a bare chip of STM32's ARM Microcontrollers on my breadboard. I have a ST link V2 as the programmer. I would like to know what software (for free only)/ap...
Using the STM32F769 Disco, I've enable the external SDRAM using the FMC and can read/write that memory.I also have both SAI audio and microSD interfaces working with DMA, as long as the memory target/destination is internal SRAM. However, DMA transfe...