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Forum Posts

Resolved! Global Variables and Timer Interrupt

Greetings to all.I'm new to this forum and new with STM32 too. So i decided to experiment (and mess) with them to learn something.Now the first problem. I am esperimenting with timers, and after i discovered we can't use HAL_Delay() inside a timer's ...

VForm by Associate II
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Parallel flash operations on STM32H743

There are multiple references in the documentation that allude to being able to do two flash operations in parallel on the STM32H743 as long as you are doing these operations on different banks.For example, the reference manual RM0433 Section 3.2 sta...

ST User by Associate III
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Stm32f103 ir transmitter

Hi,I want to realize ir transmitter with pwm signal but i do not understand the basic principle of pwm ir transmitter. What is the right way for creating ir transmit signal with pwm? Which peripherals must be used for this( pwm, timer interrupts...?)

er3481 by Senior
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reading multiple adc channels, no dma

Posted on January 26, 2015 at 11:58 Hello List, I,m struggling with reading, without DMA, from multiple channels. Every, say, 10 msec I call: var1 = Get_ADC_Value(11); var2 = Get_ADC_Value(12); Both variables ALWAYS get ...

Sietse by Associate III
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Memory requirements for STM32H743XI EVAL board.

Hi All,I'm trying to implement the eval board for a project seems like they have used a lot of different types of memory from HW perspective. I wanted to know what memory is being used for what purpose for this specific board so that I can change it ...

BBV by Associate II
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Resolved! Use mbedTLS on STM32F7 with TrueStudio

Hi there,is there any installation guide on how to use functions of the mbedTLS library (sha256, ecdh, ecdsa, ECC key generation) on a stm32f767zi with TrueSTUDIO as an ide?Thank you for your help. WorkingStudent

STM32 programming service

Hello everyone.I'd like to ask about the possibility of purchasing pre-programmed STM32 parts with our application.For now, we expect a low volume production in the mid term, but it is expected to grow around 1 year after product launch.Is it possibl...

jose_1. by Associate
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Hello, my work mate made a design where we have to measure a low voltage in a smaller range (0-.120mV) on an Input.His assumption and hardware realization to meet the requirements based on datasheet DS10690 Rev 6. Here on page 63 you can find the ta...

Artur1 by Associate II
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