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Forum Posts

DMA Overhead (ADC to RAM)

STM32F446 in my case...When the ADC finishes a conversion and the DMA controller deposits the converter data into memory, what is the overhead ? i.e. How long does it take ? Is this shown in the documentation anywhere ?I would assume that as soon as ...

STM32L4S5 enabling internal pulldown

Hi,We are using PF3 for one of our output function and we need to pull that pin down internally. So we are configuring that pin as output enabling clock etc and using LL driver "LL_GPIO_SetPinPull" function with port and pin with argument "LL_GPIO_PU...

RTT by Associate
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USART Interrupt STM32F103ZET6

Hello all.I am new working with the SMT32 microcontrollers and I need your help.The project deals with 3 communication channels USART to 19200bds (usart1, usart2 and usart3)The microcontroller used is the STM32F103ZET6 and would be connected to 3 dif...

DGonc by Associate II
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Hi, I have a problem with HardFault_Handler.Sometimes, when I'm writing into the flash it happens.After many days on searching still I don't understand why it happens and what it means.Has someone got a suggestiom for me?