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Resolved! Nucleo-L476RG TIM2 PWM output not work

I want to use Nucleo-L476RG to generate pwm output. but the problem is i can't use TIM2. TIM5 is ok. i use PA1 to generate pwm, when set PA1 as TIM2 CH2, it doesn't work. but when i use it as TIM5 CH2. it works. How can this be happened? is there any...

STM32f373 multimode simultaneous on SDADC1 & SDADC2

Hello, I am trying to configue SDADC1 and SDADC2 in injected mode to read simultaneous values on the 2 converters. Using CUBEMX I configure injected mode for SDADC1 and sync mode for SDADC2 . Problem SDACD2 always read 0.Any working example available...

iw2ndh by Associate
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Hello. I have STM32F334 MCU on Discovery board and I want to control two mosfets by alternately switching PWM channels (like on the picture).

 PWM channel 01 controls Mosfet 1, PWM 02 - Mosfet 2. Also I need to insert dead time (dt) between channel switches. My MCU has HRTIM. Is there any way to solve this task using HRTIM? If it possible, what is the best way to reduce IRQ count to reach ...

sc0ffer by Associate
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