Hi guys, I am trying software timers without using interruptSysTick->CTRL = 0x5; SysTick->LOAD = 0xFFFFFF;SysTick->VAL = 0; when start the program, what will happen with SysTick->VAL = 0; it is value start with 0xFFFFFF or 0?
Hi guys, I am trying software timers without using interruptSysTick->CTRL = 0x5; SysTick->LOAD = 0xFFFFFF;SysTick->VAL = 0; when start the program, what will happen with SysTick->VAL = 0; it is value start with 0xFFFFFF or 0?
I'm using an STM32F769 for a project. I'm trying to continuously stream ADC samples to a buffer. I can fill the buffer without issue, but the DMA never recirculates back to the beginning. I don't get any DMA errors, and the ADC is still running (I...
I recently bought a STM32F4VE board. I have experience in 8051. Im unable to learn program the STM board on Keil. Its completely different compared to 8051. Im completely confused.
Im trying to install STM Studio on Windows 10 64bit with JRE 1.8.0_212-b10 32bit. After I go through the initial setup configuration I hit the "Install"-button the installer directly fail and show:I have disabled my antivirus. Im able to install othe...
STM32G070. It is said there are 4 USARTS in the datasheet. For USART3/4, there is no place talking about the clock source for them. Would you please tell us what's the clock source for the USART3/4?
It will be in micro Amps only right...Will be helpful if you let us know the exact value..
Hi,could anyone explain me why the mslow-flash-data of the gcc compiler can improve the performance for a stm32f3 processor (m3/m4 type in general)?Is this related to the integrated cache of the core?Thanks.
Does anybody know which silicon revision code is actually in production for the STM32H7 family?
I have an issue with printf redirection to Virtual COM port. It only works after I load program using STM32 ST-LINK Utility and unplug and plug cable.Does anybody have an idea what could be the issue?Thanks Rudo
I am new to ARM cortex programming .Following is my program , code is generated using stm32cubemx (board : stm32f407vgtx) and then shifted to Eclipse. I was wondering , If this program will successfully load and run on stm32F429ZITX.If there are any ...