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Queries on QSPI, used MCU stm32l4kc

The MCU qspi peripheral is connected to serial NOR flash. Along with these connection the same qspi individual data pins are connected to 3 individual Altera FPGA for booting purpose.qspi clock is common for all 3 FPGA.The following operation which a...

Internal temperature sensor

I'm trying to read the internal temp sensor of a STM32F030F4Px but datasheet isn't clear about how to calculate it.Vsense = ( 1686 / 4095 ) * 3.3 = 1.35VTemp = ((1.43 - 1.35) / 4.3 ) + 30 = 30.01CIn the code example it isn't any clear because I got:...

STM32L471 ADC offset 0.1V?

The CPU is powered using 1.8V both on VDD as well as VDDA (4.7uH coil as well as 1n/100n/1u capacitors in power path).When I measure the Vbat pin (100n cap supporting) in the range 2V-3.6V using the ADC I always measure about 0.1V less than the volta...

Resolved! I am new to STM32L4R5ZI. I have tried to dump the blinking LED code in STM32L4R5ZI using Keil MDK Arm 5 then I am getting following error... Contents mismatch at: 08001000H (Flash=00H Required=31H) !

I have generated the code (LED PB7 GPIO_OUT) by using STM32Cube Mx for MDK ARM5. While loading the code , I am getting following error.Contents mismatch at: 08001000H (Flash=00H Required=31H) !I have resolve this issue by erasing the flash using ST-L...

DVENK by Associate
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Supply current in unprogrammed state

How can I calculate the supply current of the MCU (STM32L471) in unprogrammed state? We use it in an ultra-low power application and need to know the battery drain during production and storage.

RTC ALARM A Stops working after Mid-Night

I'm using STM32L152RE with FreeRtos for our project. We use RTC HAL library to handle the Calendar alarms. I'm in a strange situation where the RTC_ALARM_A does not generate an interrupt after 12 midnight. The current system is setup to generate an...

String compression for UART on STM32F7

Hi, I'm working on a project in which i need to send strings through UARTMy throughput is limited because i'm working with Xbees, so i want to compress my ascii strings (that are long 1024 bytes and with simple structure because they are in csv forma...

MMand.9 by Associate
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