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Hi,I'm just starting with TouchGFX but quite familiar with STMCubeIDE and various chips.Issue 1 - I have a STM32F769I-DISCO board and I'm unable to download any code onto the board. I get the below errorCompiling Drivers/STM32F7xx_HAL_Driver/Src/stm3...
Hi,I have the STM32L412CBT6 in a product and now discover that it is going obsolete.There is a STM32L412CBT6P version (Note the P at the end) that is available from the usual suppliers.What is the difference between these two parts?When looking at th...
Evening,I have been working on a FreeRTOS project for the last six months and all was going well until the last STMCubeIDE & CubeMX update.Rightly or wrongly, I have been using the usarts with the below interrupt config  /* UART8 interrupt Init */  H...
Hi All,I'm putting together a project that will use the XCube Cellular and Azure Expansion pack.I'm sure there are >100 files that are not used by my project in the above expansion packs.How can I easily determine and remove unwanted files?Thanks,Ne...
Hi,I have a "C" project where the printf detailed below works for outputting to a UART.When I change the STM32IDE compiler to a C++ project, the printf no longer works./**************************************************** * UART Redirect ...
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