Resolved! STM32F446: Flash memory
I want write only some bytes but before that I have to erase a full sector.If I don´t want to loss data from that sector I will need save them.If sector size is 128Kb, how can I save all data? Thank you !
I want write only some bytes but before that I have to erase a full sector.If I don´t want to loss data from that sector I will need save them.If sector size is 128Kb, how can I save all data? Thank you !
Hello, I am using the STM32F767ZI board and I want to measure the execution time of a function. The function I want to measure is a function I created. At the moment, I use the timer 9 configured in internal clock (216 MHz) with: Prescaler = 108 Coun...
Hii need to build a simple IOT motor control unit. I also need OTA update.what is the quickest way of getting started?Mongoose os? What else is there?Thx
Hello, it is the first time when i have to deal with microphones and PDM interface. I just can't get correct data from the microphone, or the data is correct but i am doing something terribly wrong. I configure I2S to sample microphone with DMA. Whe...
Hello all, I am still attempting to create my project on the STM32F411RE that is capable of taking in 3 sinusoidal signals and return the frequencies + amplitudes for these signals. Thus I need to use the CMSIS-DSP pack, but this is continuously givi...
I am developing with STM32F413.I try to download the program using USART1, but the FLSH LOADER DEMONSTRATOR recognizes it as another device. (STM8)What should I check?
Many times you use UG Bit for "Unfortunately Generic" or EGR for "Emission Gas Recirculation"?A lot of explanations are hardly to understand and make no sense, because acronyms are not unique. I think there should by a glossary at the end of each doc...
HiI need to use RFID with an stm32f4 controller. By using RC522 library it is not working for me can anyone tell that is there is any library available for it or is i have change anything RC522 library.
I am putting board into STOP mode for saving power. From the manuals the board can be woken up from STOP by EXTI interrupt. Is it possible to waking it up by UART by configuring it as EXTI interrupt on Rx pin. If yes how can I achieve this?
I'm using an STM32F466RE to drive a motor via PWM and want to sample a current monitor via ADC during the active part of the pulse so that I can integrate the amount of power delivered to the motor. This will require the sample rate to be high enoug...