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Forum Posts


Hi all,I've downloaded X-CUBE-53L1A1 software package and found in its debug configuration SEGGER J-LINK as Debug Probe. I'm using Nucleo F401RE.My question is: Is SEGGER J-LINK distribuited by ST? Or I have to change the probe to ST-Link? Thanks

STM32F427 I2C Master Transmit - Restart - Issue

I am trying to modify my own I2C driver (I don't use Cube) - to talk to a BQ32000 device - it's a I2C RTC chip.The protocol is shown in the picture below.The protocol to read requires a "restart" after sending the chip's address and sub-address to es...

Joe.H by Senior
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FSMC with Synchronous Memory

Posted on September 02, 2014 at 02:20I'm trying to connect from an STM32's FSMC to block-RAM inside an FPGA. Since this type of memory is synchronous, I need to expose the FSMC clock to the FPGA.At the moment I have an STM32F4-Discovery connected to...

dohzer by Associate II
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Queries on QSPI, used MCU stm32l4kc

The MCU qspi peripheral is connected to serial NOR flash. Along with these connection the same qspi individual data pins are connected to 3 individual Altera FPGA for booting purpose.qspi clock is common for all 3 FPGA.The following operation which a...

Internal temperature sensor

I'm trying to read the internal temp sensor of a STM32F030F4Px but datasheet isn't clear about how to calculate it.Vsense = ( 1686 / 4095 ) * 3.3 = 1.35VTemp = ((1.43 - 1.35) / 4.3 ) + 30 = 30.01CIn the code example it isn't any clear because I got:...