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Implementation on: STM32L476RCI can configure a periodic sleep cycle by waking up through the RTC through calling HAL_RTCEx_SetWakeUpTimer_IT.I'm now trying to handle an EXT interrupt while in this periodic sleep cycle.The goal is to handle the EXT i...
Good afternoon,I have a stm32l432kc microcontroller on a custom board with two voltage supplies:1) A LiPo battery where I use a regulator to supply 3.3v to power everything and 2) A coin cell battery to only provide power to the RTC within the micro....
1) STM32l432kc nucleo board2) Today I decided to test my sleep mode codeI uploaded my code, I received my print messages on USART, I decided to tweak a few things... and here is the issue.When I attempt to upload again, I receive the following error:...