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Hello,I am trying to config my board using HSE as SYSCLK (my board has MCO from ST-LINK as external clock supply by default - 8MHZ)The goal is set SYSCLK = 8Mhz, HCLK =4Mhz , PCLK1/2 = 2MhzProblem: HSERDY was never set within the TIME OUTPlease lets ...
Hi, I am trying to write an interrupt code to trigger LED(PB14) using user button on my NUCLEO board(PC13). however, as I observed from the debugger, pending bit for line 13 constantly at 1 without pushing the button at all.The EXTI->PR1 = 1<<13 stil...
Hello every one.I am working with the STM32L4R5ZI. By default, it will uses MSI as the system clock source at 4Mhz.My question is: what will happen if I turn on HSI or/and HSE without turning the other clock source off?Thank you in advance?
Hello everyone.I am trying to edit the baudrate using register header file without using HAL. I am working with STM32L4R5ZI and IAR complier.I found these lines in the header files but don't know how to use them./****************** Bit definition fo...
I am new to embedded programming and trying to learn ARM with my STM32L4 board. I stick to the datasheet and stay away from HAL library to learn how the MCU and its peripherals work. Here I am trying to initiate USART3 and send a line using "printf" ...