STM32 MCUs Products

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Forum Posts

Why is Arduino / Nucleo F103RB Losing Code Space?

I have been using the Arduino 1.8.9 app for several months programming the Nucleo-F103RB development board with my application. I have several boards and some are self powered and others USB powered. Yesterday, on a self-powered board, I received a ...

timl by Associate
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STM32 I2C multi-device connection

Hello to everyone, I am a newbie on STM MCUs. I need to communicate 6 slaves and 1 master device. But I could not figure out. The master device has been selected Arduino mega due to some specifications. Slaves are responsible to drive motors, Arduino...

Sensortile standby high consumption

I am working on a project using the sensortile. When the MCU is not in use, it enters a standby mode. I measured a current of 4.5 mA in standby mode. What could be the cause of such a high consumption in standby mode?

RMous by Associate
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Losses the bytes of data in LPUART IRQ HANDLER?

I have configured LPUART with 9600 baud rate and enable receiver interrupt with MCU 65Khz low power mode and my uart handler likevoid LPUART1_IRQHandler(void){ uint32_t isrflags  = READ_REG(hlpuart1.Instance->ISR); uint32_t cr1its   = READ_REG(hlpuar...

Uart timeout?

Hi,I am using LPUART for sending data to the GSM. I wrote own uart transmit driver without timeout, like void LPUART1_Send_Data(uint8_t *string){ while(*string) { if((LPUART1->ISR & USART_ISR_TC)==USART_ISR_TC) { LPUART1->TDR=*string; ...