Resolved! get interrupt state
How to get interrupt state (enabled or disabled) via HAL?In my void I need to do HAL_TIM_OC_Stop_IT() only if this interrupt enabled.
How to get interrupt state (enabled or disabled) via HAL?In my void I need to do HAL_TIM_OC_Stop_IT() only if this interrupt enabled.
At the end of NVIC_SCBDeInit I see these instructions:[...]SCB->CFSR = 0xFFFFFFFF;SCB->HFSR = 0xFFFFFFFF;SCB->DFSR = 0xFFFFFFFF;The first one is a status register. Why writing it?For the second one the manual states:"This register is read, write to c...
Hello,I read ref manual part about SYSCFG (STM32H7 in my case). There are some regs that have an undefined reset value and the meaning of the regs is so that the contents is important at HW reset (BOOT_ADDx, BANK_SWAP). These regs are marked read onl...
Hi, I am trying to test the Nucleo-L476RG with dev board nucleo STM32L476RGT6.I am able to see the audio interface on my laptop but as I try to record some audio the signal I get is empty. Do you have any ideas on how I can fix that ?Thanks,Raphael
I use dual flash bank in STM32L4. I perform a flash bank switch by programming bit BFB2 in OPTR.Sometimes, after the new software has started, RTC seems to be returned to reset state: date and time are lost and RTC internal registers are cleared! In...
Hi,I'm using two STM32F407 LQFP-144 in SPI communication , one Master and one slavewhen power supply is connected and program is running and spi send & recieve is okay , we disconnect board ( wiring) and then connect again , face off over heating ic ...
In STM32F429 IN application programming i dint get one point where on booting from flash and the custom IAP application checks if there is application in vector table addresses with application address ?/* Check Vector Table: Test if user code is pro...
i would like to connect TIM3 to pin PA6 for PWM, using above command, but it is not working in Keil.more over i would to generate starting delay in PWM , i mean PWM signal should start with x delay How can i do above ? thanks
hi, I am ankit and using STM32F4 discovery board. I am new to ST and beginner in C programming too. I have to send command sequence in hex format to another device whose details are...baud rate 9600/19200(default 9600)paririty NONstop bit 1data 8 bit...