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Resolved! no target found

I am using nucleo-144, H743ZI2 board. while i am uploading code in the stm32cubeide i am getting error as "target not found". i have searched in the community and then tried connect the boot0 to high, and power the board, connect to cube programmer a...

suhfi by Senior
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STM32cubeIDE with stm32f103c8t6 openocd

I am new to stm32F103F103c8t6. I am using Bluepill. In OpenOCD i get:Open On-Chip Debugger 0.12.0+dev-00597-ga5a21219f (2024-06-03-11:04) []Licensed under GNU GPL v2For bug reports, read

Resolved! UART/USART Does not Work

I would like to transmit data via USART and read the data sent to computer via a terminal(I have tried Putty and Real Term so far). To that end, I activate My USART configuration is seen as above. I also wrote the code below:uint8_t myTxData[13] = "H...


Resolved! STM32G030F6P6 STMCubeProgrammer

Hi,After I program an STM32G030F6P6 I can't connect again with the STMCubeProgrammer. I have checked that my boot pin is in the correct position but still I keep on getting the error:I have used a simple program that got generated by STM32CubeIde to ...

T.Die by Associate II
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Resolved! Mono chrome display with STM32 Nucleo-144

Hi,I am looking for monochorme display which can be interfaced with STM32 Nucleo-144 board. I looked into TouchGFX but it supports colored display board with this STM32 Nucleo-144 board. Can you suggest any monochomre display based board here?https:/...

mdalal by Associate III
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We are using STM32G473 controller for our project, In that MCU, we faced an issue in systick while using the  HAL_Delay() function.We have changed the NVIC preemption priority for Time base systick timer,Still the systick count was not incremented. W...

Resolved! SDRAM - Winbond W9825GKH-6l - DMA Access

hi1. STM32F722ZE & Winbond SDRAM is working fine with follow setting .W9825G6KH-6I 166MHz/CL3 or 133MHz/CL2   CASLatency = FMC_SDRAM_CAS_LATENCY_3; SDClockPeriod = FMC_SDRAM_CLOCK_PERIOD_3;my understanding was MCU main clock was divide by 2 is made o...

MMARI.1 by Senior
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Resolved! How to use TIMER event DMA from Memory to GPIO

My goal is to send bit patterns from an array directly to GPIO, using a Timer as a sample clock / DMA trigger.More concretely: TIM2 Update Event --> DMA --> memory to GPIO Port ODR transferI am on STM32f103rb (Nucleo-64)Similar questions have been as...

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Mnemocron by Associate III
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STM32F030CC Pin output Reaction time

Hi!A PWM signal with a frequency of 100 kHz comes to the input of the microcontroller. Then, when the pulse falls, an interruption is triggered, which should change the state of one of the output PINs. And now I am observing a situation where the sig...

AB.19 by Associate II
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