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Forum Posts

DAC (PA4) giving constant 2.4V in STM32F446RE

Hi, Greetings!!We have been using STM32F446RE MCU in the project. We have implemented the DAC in the application at pin PA4 and PA5. Both DACs are generating similar voltages for different application. The PA4 DAC is connected to ADC of another MCU t...

Paddy611 by Associate II
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use SHT3x with STM32F102C6T6

Hi everyone,I am doing my internship and looking for a video tutorial on how to use the SHT31 sensor with STM32 without using Arduino. My mentor suggested me to look for videos from YouTube, but so far I have had a hard time finding any. Can anyone r...

Resolved! LTDC STM32H753 Debug crashes

wrote a basic test for ltdc and if i change any of the ltdc registers and pause the debug it crashes heres the functions for the ltdc ive wrote  void ltdc_gpio_init(void){ //GPIO B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K Clock Access RCC->AHB4ENR |= (1U<<1);//PORTB RC...

STM32L496VG on JTAG surfboard

Hi Everybody,I have a number of Stm32L496VG without crystals but, with pin headers from 3 years ago that I would like to design a new (something) with.These were designed while then learning the stm32 MCUs as I was moving away from PIC MCUs. Bottom l...

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HXE by Associate
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Resolved! Setup MDMA for inter-core data processing

Hello,I am fairly new to STM32 (and ARM MCUs in general), and I need a bit of help with DMA/MDMA transfers.I am using an STM32H747 dual core MCU and I intent to do some high-speed data sampling on the ADC (currently ~3 MSPS, going to 7-ish MSPS in th...

connect multiple STEVAL-MKBOXPRO

Hello everybody,I'm quite new both on the community and on sensors using.I have 3 STEVAL-MKBOXPRO which I'd like to use to acquire orientation of the upper limb (quaternion, acceleration, gyroscope data). What I've found so far is that the ST BLE Sen...

cekka by Associate
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