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Forum Posts

Resolved! Temperature sensor characteristics of STM32F407

As per table 69 under section 5.3.22 of datasheet STM32F405XX/407XX (DocID022152 Rev 8), the parameters of “Average slope�? (Avg_Slope) and “Voltage at 25°C�? are specified to be 2.5mV/°C and 0.76V, respectively. Does it imply the sensitivity to be 4...

TKumi by Associate
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Bluepill program upload does not work as expected

Hi!This is my first post on this forum.I just got an STM32F103C8T6 board from Ebay, (

GKnut by Associate II
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STM32H753 Revision V Migration

Hello,We currently have a board with the STM32H753XI Rev.Y MCU.We're building a new revision of the board, and saw that there is a new STM32H753 revision (Rev.V). This revision has significant changes.There is no new part number for the Rev.V devices...

Yan Rosh by Associate II
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Problems with UART4 on the Nucleo-F429ZI

I'm working with the Nucleo-144 (STM32F429ZI) on a multi sensor system. I am developing using STM32CubeIDE.One of our sensors communicates over UART and we have broken out UART4 such that PC10 is TX and PC11 is RX. This configuration is suggested as...

jermat by Associate
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STM32L151 did not wake up from stop mode RTC

Hi Comunity. This is my code project code to enter to stop modeNVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure; GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; /* Enable PWR APB1 Clock */ RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_PWR, ENABLE);   /* Allow access to R...

Resolved! stm32 uart Tx dma transmission doesn't work

I'm using the stm32f103 and I'm trying to send a text stored in SRAM via DMA to the USART 2 peripheral. My assumption is I'll turn on the usart2 TX dma ( DMAT )request whenever I need it and turn it off after the current transmission completes, (i.e...

ASeyo by Associate II
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