2019-11-09 10:46 AM
any help appreciated
trying to work out out how the FMC peripheral works on the STM32F767ZI arm
would like to interface an FPGA to the 767 arm as an external memory device using a multiplexed Address & Data Bus, but so little info on the FMC out there ???
I have hooked up all the hardware wiring between the FPGA and ARM and guess what, as usual really really strange thing happening ?
why when I use
HAL_SRAM_Read_16b(&hsram1, (uint32_t *)0x60000001, (uint16_t *)rxBuffer, 1);
I get two chip selects and two reads
Yet when I read 60000000 I only get one CS and one read, WHAT IS GOING ON ???
HAL_SRAM_Read_16b(&hsram1, (uint32_t *)0x60000000, (uint16_t *)rxBuffer, 1);
Both these above HAL_SRAM_Read commands should simply read back ONE 16bit (2byte) data from the selected address
but anything above 0x60000000 does 2 chip selects and two reads of the data
is this a floored faulty FMC module
0x60000000 should = 1st 16bit address read
0x60000001 should - 2nd 16 bit address read (why 2 chip selects and 2 reads of data ??)
any help appreciated
Thank You
2019-11-09 11:24 AM
How wide is the DATA BUS?
At 16-bit the memory address to the DEVICE changes from 0x60000000 to 0x60000002
If you read a 16-bit word at an ODD boundary it spans TWO words in the DEVICE
2019-11-09 11:47 AM
thank you for your reply
my data bus is 16 bits wide, i'm only interested in 16 bits address so address (16:23) not intrested
so I have 16 multiplexed address and data lines which should hopefully send out the 16bit address first over the 16 lines to the FPGA and then either write or read 16bits of data from or to the FPGA
so am I correct in thinking
0x60000000 = address 0 inside my FPGA
and 0x60000001 = address 1 inside my FPGA
and 0x60000002 = address 2 inside my FPGA
sorry I don't really understand ???
How wide is the DATA BUS? 16bits
At 16-bit the memory address to the DEVICE changes from 0x60000000 to 0x60000002
If you read a 16-bit word at an ODD boundary it spans TWO words in the DEVICE
How can I get over this ???
I simply would like to read or write only 16bits, not two lots of 8bits
Just a simple 16bit read or write of data
Thanks for any help
would I be better using a different CS memory address area for 16bit read and write say CS3 0x6800000 ???
sorry really confused are you saying it reads two lots of 8bit data consecutively thus the two cs lows ??
is there no way just to simply read and write 16bits of data
2019-11-09 12:42 PM
>>so am I correct in thinking
0x60000000 = address 0 inside my FPGA
and 0x60000001 = address 1 inside my FPGA
and 0x60000002 = address 2 inside my FPGA
With a 16-bit DATA BUS the DEVICE addresses as WORDS
0x60000000 = address 0 externally
and 0x60000002 = address 1
and 0x60000004 = address 2
>>sorry really confused are you saying it reads two lots of 8bit data consecutively thus the two cs lows ??
EVEN WORDs will go to your device directly
0x60000001 will pull HALF of WORD 0, and HALF of WORD 1
BYTEs are manage via BYTE LANES. A Barrel shifter on the input to extract a 8-bit byte from the word, and a LOW/HIGH Byte Lane select for writes to a single byte within the word.
2019-11-09 12:45 PM
ST Shifts the Internal Address Space to the External Bus, at 16-bit, ie IntA1 -> ExtA0
2019-11-09 1:11 PM
thank you very much for your detailed info
so if i'm understanding you correctly
for me to read or write 16bits of data to the FPGA with a single chip correctly , I simply need to issue even address, 0x6000000, 0x60000002, 0x60000004 etc
if I issue odd address, I read or write half the data from one address and half from the next address ???
is this correct
really appreciate your help, as this has really confused me for the past day or so
2019-11-09 1:23 PM
The processor has byte addressability, you're attaching a word addressable device, there is a translation
For uint16_t *p = ( uint16_t *)0x60000000;
*p++ = 0x1234; // Writes to DEVICE ADDR 0
*p++ = 0x5678; // Writes to DEVICE ADDR 1 (advances pointer by 2)
2019-11-09 1:27 PM
Thank you so much :)
2019-11-09 1:54 PM
Hello again
so I guess I can not easily read consecutive data in a buffer array say 8bytes starting at 0x60000000
HAL_SRAM_Read_16b(&hsram1, (uint32_t *)0x60000000, (uint16_t *)rxBuffer, 8 );
or can I just ignore the odd data bytes in the array :)
2019-11-10 10:05 PM
If your chip can handle unaligned data (I guess most STM32s can), you can read 16-bit data from an odd address. The HW just splits the access into 2 byte accesses, but the value should be right in the destination register. You can also read array of half words starting from zero, or array of bytes starting from zero. What's the problem here?