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Over the past month, I've been trying to figure out if the DAC in the STM32F3 actually has a silicon bug. I observe a sawtooth with an approx 1 minute period in the DAC output (as measured by the ADC on the same chip). The first large "tooth" is alwa...
Tested on STM32F334R8 nucleo board. Attempting to stop ADC in regular dual simultaneous mode doesn't work in latest HAL, though does work for prior version of the IDE 1.0.2. Do something like this to reproduce:void HAL_ADC_ConvCpltCallback(ADC_Handle...
I'm reading ADC1 and ADC2 in Dual Regular Simultaneous mode using DMA on a F334R8 nucleo board, as per instructions in UM1786 section 6.2.2 "Execution of ADC conversions":void readADCs(void) { // enable ADC slave if (HAL_ADC_Start(&hadc2) != HAL_...
I ordered one of these xnucleo-f103rb boards, but I cannot get the included STLink-V2 mini dongle to connect to it. TrueStudio prompted me to upgrade the programmer firmware when I connected it, which I did. I'm running Ubuntu and have installed the ...