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Resolved! LED blinks only in debug mode

Hi!I have a basic code - blinking LED code which uses onboard LED (PC13). The problem is that it doesn't toggle at all, it just stay switched on and doesn't go off after delay. I've tested that code in debug mode and everything worked fine, it toggl...

astaria by Associate II
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How to speed up IRQ times at STM32F7xxx ?

CPU 210MHzIf you run IRQ code from flash you have about 5 times more cpu cycles as needed (7WS)if you switch on ART accelerater and prefetch: for loop gets slower no influence on IRQ latencyyou could not run code from internal SRAM because of missin...

BSchm.0 by Associate II
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STM32F767ZI could not remapped to internal SRAM

Hi folks, I have tried to run my complete program out of internal SRAM to speed up the IRQsbut if I come to svc 0 it failsprvPortStartFirstTask: 20005ee0: ldr r0, [pc, #32] ; (0x20005f04) 20005ee2: ldr r0, [r0, #0] 20005ee4: ldr r...

BSchm.0 by Associate II
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STM32F765IIK6 Reflow Problems

We are using STM32F765IIK6 176 pin 10x10 0.6mm UFBGA, die rev "Z". Whilst processing these through SMT solder reflow (using an 8 zone forced air convection oven) we had a number of these devices failing, due to the substrate of the BGA package dishin...

MBake by Associate
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production ready STM32 boards

Hi,Does anyone know if there are any companies out there that sell production ready stm32 hardware boards. I appreciated there would be a lot of variations regarding io etc.. but i just wondered if it was a "thing" or if the only board are typically ...

SWO debug issue

Hi,I am currently working on an STM32L4S5 attached to a ST-LINK/V2. I am using Attolic TrueStudio to compile, flash and debug.The STM32 is running at 120Mhz and I have configured the SWO clock to 125kHz thanks to the STlink utility software.I am usin...

romain2 by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32L431 can't enter STOP2 mode

I'm trying to enter STOP2 mode to save energy but the MCU get stuck in the function HAL_PWREx_EnterSTOP2Mode(PWR_STOPENTRY_WFI). I have cleared all EXTI pending flags and RTC flags, and disable all five wake up pins. The MCU is supposed to wake up vi...

TClar.8 by Associate II
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I am working on STM32H743 micro operating as a slave I2C device. I am able to write to the slave device by a master I2C device but I can't seem to read.

I have done some investigation and arrived that the problem is with the "DIR" bit in the Interrupt Status register not firing to indicate whether to do a Read.uint32_t isr_trace[64]; int isr_count = 0;   void I2C2_EV_IRQHandler(void) { isr_trace[...

onio by Senior
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