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Hello,since updates I got issues by f_mount my SD Card. So I try some things,if(f_mount(&myFS,"", 1)==FR_OK) // no FR_OK anymore {     f_open(&myFile, "/TESTFOLDER/test1.txt\0", FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS); char myData[]="Test\0"; f_...
Hello,which points of SDIO (DMA) settings i have to look for if my f_read reads only half but counts full.Example:uint16_t buffer1[1024];f_read(&file,&buffer1[0],1024,&cnt); buffer1 is filled with values to buffer1[511] but variable cnt gives me 10...
Hello,i switch from 1bit mode to 4bit mode in cubeMX (latest version on linux) an the reading only works in debug mode, when i connect my board to only power it doesn't work anymore.In CubeMX under SDIO the DMA2_RX and DMA2_TX is set to stream3 and s...
Hello, my waveplayer works, nearly.... For every half transfer and complete transfer, i read the next 256 byte in a 16bit array "uint16_t DAC_Buff" . done. while(1) { volatile ITStatus it_st; it_st = RESET; while(0 == (DMA1->HISR ,DMA_H...
hello,How can I get the flags from the DMA with HAL drivers. Like the LL comands e.g. LL_DMA_IsActiveFlag_HT5 for the half transfer flag of stream5.lg erik
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