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HiWhen I want timer count (CNT register) until ​5000 for overflow , Set ARR = 5000-1; now I want timer count until 1 So I have to set value ARR = 1_1 (ARR = 0) But When Set ARR = 0 timer don't work and don't have interrupt. Why??​​how to set ARR Fo...
HiI make a 32 bit timer by to 16 bit timer3(master) & timer4(slave)Now I want my timer count antil 150000 (for example)​How to get 150000 in two TIM3->ARR & TIM4->ARR register??Does it have a special formula?this number (150000) isn't ​fixed.I have a...
HiI want work by touch xpt2046I have an example for this but this used spl library. I created a project by cube an config spi2 then generated my project and add xpt library from example project to new project. All function work true Except WR_CMD fun...
Hi ​I can't run emwin for my board ( my board is stm32f429bit6 but isn't disco board )​I ​want a video or text that can teach me how to run emwin for my bord step by step frome cube and kile.​Tanks for all
Hi​h7 series don't have graphic part in cubemx.When will cubemx support touchgfx for h7 series???In which future version??​
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