how to use EXTI in stm32F030?
There are 3 interrupt handler EXTI0__1 ,EXTI2__3, EXTI 14__5how they can be used since it can be working in EV board but i am not able to work it in STM32F3K6
There are 3 interrupt handler EXTI0__1 ,EXTI2__3, EXTI 14__5how they can be used since it can be working in EV board but i am not able to work it in STM32F3K6
From datasheet, section 6.1.7, fig 10 Current consumption measurement scheme, the IDD is shown to include only current drawn by VDD and VDDA pins. And in Table 28 (Typ and max current consumption...) the current consumption numbers are for IDD only. ...
R is 10k, and c 1uf, vcc 3.1 , charge to full,i then captured the rising edge, but time counter changes every timestatic void TIM1_Config(void) { TIM1_ICInit( TIM1_Channel_2, TIM1_ICPolarity_Rising, TIM1_ICSelection_DirectTI, TIM1_IC...
does any one know when STM32L552QC will be available in market with a marketing status Active !!
Hello!How can I program Stm32103c8tl SPI on Keil by using shift register which is 74hc595. I want to blink leds at output pins of shift register. Im sure that my circuit was connected correctly. However, on Ide keil my algorithm may be wrong. Therefo...
Hi,I've seen mentioned in a couple of places that it is possible to drive timers (other than LPTIM) using the LSE. I can't actually find much more than this though...Can LSE be used to drive TIM2 on the STM32L053, for example? If so, how is it acheiv...
I have a Nucleo-F411RE and can debug and program ok (using arm cross gcc, eclipse, OpenOCD) and everything works fine.However, If I just power it but don't debug through eclipse, the board doesn't do anything. LD1 and LD3 are solid red.My guess is th...
I use the LPTIM to schedule tasks but I'm encountering a proble. even when I start the timer the interrupt is not occurring even though I have enabled the Autoreload Interrupt. I have attached an image of the SFR window. At the moment I have just ini...
Hi all -I'm not sure where this post belongs-- so I will post in different areas in attempt to find someone that may have done this:I am trying to port and old design to a STM32F103VCT6. Not sure if anyone out there has done this. I can currently ...
Hello,I'm using STM32f723ZE controller & ADC configured as follow with external trigger(Timer), I verified timers works properly all the times and ADC 1 Stops after few minutes of data capture, but no error code set in Register. ADC1 & ADC2; (Externa...