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Forum Posts

Capacitor charge time capture

R is 10k, and c 1uf, vcc 3.1 , charge to full,i then captured the rising edge, but time counter changes every timestatic void TIM1_Config(void) { TIM1_ICInit( TIM1_Channel_2, TIM1_ICPolarity_Rising, TIM1_ICSelection_DirectTI, TIM1_IC...


Using LSE as timer source for TIM2, etc. STM32L053

Hi,I've seen mentioned in a couple of places that it is possible to drive timers (other than LPTIM) using the LSE. I can't actually find much more than this though...Can LSE be used to drive TIM2 on the STM32L053, for example? If so, how is it acheiv...

nkatch by Associate II
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ADC Stops in between without any error code.

Hello,I'm using STM32f723ZE controller & ADC configured as follow with external trigger(Timer), I verified timers works properly all the times and ADC 1 Stops after few minutes of data capture, but no error code set in Register. ADC1 & ADC2; (Externa...

TShet by Associate II
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