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STM32F750Z8 and flash loader

Hello everyone,I've just develop my board with this MCU and a QSPI Flash from Micron (N25Q128).The connections suggested by the Cube are:CS -> PB6CLK -> PB2D0 -> PF8D1 -> PF9D2 -> PE2D3 -> PA1Checked them and they are phisically good.I'm using IAR so...

GTrom by Associate II
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I am having trouble with timers on STM32F1xx series specifically. I can get PWM to work but no matter how the TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef structure is defined, the frequency is 1.1KHz. It appears that the prescaler is divide by 64k. What's happening?

SYS_RC TIMER_setup(void){   TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef      TIMER_BaseInitStruct;   TIM_OCInitTypeDef         TIMER_OCInitStruct = {0, };   GPIO_InitTypeDef         GPIO_InitStruct;   RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOB, ENABLE);   RCC_APB1Perip...

WSchi by Associate
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'F42x/43x ODSW/ODSWEN - please unify terminology

In RM0090 rev.17, ch.5.1.4 Voltage regulator for STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx, at several places uses ODSW bit name, while the actual bit is caled ODSWEN both in 5.5 Power control registers (STM32F42xxx and STM32F43xxx) and the CMSIS-mandated device h...

I am using the nucleoH743ZI with Free RTOS. Try to send data via UART from each TASK.In Round robin scheduling, First task sends the data via UART, then context switch Second task tried to send the data via UART, handle of the UART was in Busy always.

In "prioritized preemptive scheduling", able to send the data to UART from each task.For the round robin, I set the time slice of 200 ms.Have the doubt like how much time taken to change the state of UART handle from "Busy" to "Ready"?.

Vel by Associate III
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How to make microsecond delay using timer?

Im using F030F4P6 controller. Here's TIM16 configuration:Here's clock configuration:main.c: /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) {   toggleAll(); delayUs(1000);   /* USER CODE END WHILE */...delayUs function:void delayUs(uint32_t delay) {   us...

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BBart.16 by Associate II
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