STM32F103R8T6 Current consumption
while designing Hi I am going compare the microcontroller can you help me in getting the current consumption for the about part no what the important current we need to consider
while designing Hi I am going compare the microcontroller can you help me in getting the current consumption for the about part no what the important current we need to consider
I am working on a device, based on SAMD21 (DEV1), that interfaces with a different device which is based on the STM32F405RGT6 MCU (DEV2). These two devices share a power source and communicate using UART. Though these devices share a power source, th...
Hello ST Commun,I have completed a design using STM32CubeF3 and SW4STM32 with Eval board STM32F303RE. The design is done, I was able to build now I'm in DEBUG. To value my variables I am using STM Studio. I load my elf file and proceed to select the ...
I am using touchgfx designer to create screens for my project, it works fine on visual studio. Then I try to port those cpp files to my atollic project. I got the following error:arm-atollic-eabi-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directoryP...
i receive data(video/audio/text) from wifi/Bluetooth modules ,need to store these data to SD card.i know how to write and read normal data 1) how do i follow to read and write video and image files to SD card?2)is any separate method to store video d...
I am trying to implement a star SPI interface, using STM32F4 as a single master, and interfaces with multiple STM32F4 MCU using SW managed NSS. I have made sure that SSI is cleared when NSS is activated and set when NSS is deactivated so that the SCK...
I am looking for a development board, but have multiple requirements, so I will order them here, to help you answer me, plus to help me to order my own thoughts:- Grove connector support, preferably on-board, otherwise with a clip on shield (...
Hi team,I would like to use the external interrupt for handling peripherals, but i didn't find the exact port pin of MCU. for example EXTI0 is an external interrupt pin which is located at?
I have modified the example PWR/PWR_Stop2_RTC that uses the RTC periodid timer and used the alarm as wake-up source, as described in example RTC/RTC_Alarm.I achieved to get the wake-up cycle once, but when coming to the stop2-command the 2nd time, t...