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Forum Posts

nitially when the microcontroller is started up it should start with some default PWM with some fixed duty cycle(say 65%), but i want it to start slowly (soft start ) rising (LIKE A RAMP) need HElP/Support in adding this feature

 I have developed a PID control loop where PWM has to adjust itself to give the desired outputand the PWM is controlled by ADC and reference voltage.initially when the microcontroller is started up it should start with some default PWM with some fixe...

GH M by Associate II
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Count external pulses on timer 3 channel 4 STM32F415

Hi, I am currently facing the problem, that we made a new product and slightly changed the design and routing from the old version and now the input for counting pulses in on PB1. I would like to count pulses on tim3 channel 4 and I am really not sur...

capture by Associate
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Capacitor charge time capture

R is 10k, and c 1uf, vcc 3.1 , charge to full,i then captured the rising edge, but time counter changes every timestatic void TIM1_Config(void) { TIM1_ICInit( TIM1_Channel_2, TIM1_ICPolarity_Rising, TIM1_ICSelection_DirectTI, TIM1_IC...


Using LSE as timer source for TIM2, etc. STM32L053

Hi,I've seen mentioned in a couple of places that it is possible to drive timers (other than LPTIM) using the LSE. I can't actually find much more than this though...Can LSE be used to drive TIM2 on the STM32L053, for example? If so, how is it acheiv...

nkatch by Associate II
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