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In attached datasheet  (it download from ST website) page 70-71 and 77-78, assign 4 pins to I2C1,In CubeMX, it assign to B6,B7.Is it typo?
Hi,I use "Develop on Arm Cortex-A7" -> "Install the SDK".It re-direction me to "".When I follow this, I got error message: "Unable to locate package libegl1-mesa".How I can fix t...
I did flash "stm32mp1-openstlinux-6.1-yocto-mickledore-mpu-v24.06.26" image to this STM32MP135F-DK.Boot is good, every screen like website noticed, terminal work fine.But ssh doesn't work, attached the error message.Then I try create new user, but ch...
I purchase one M5STAck COREMP135, it noticed work for linux, but when I use the software, it can't handle user account , only use root login.Then I try build image by myself, the github support was 2-3 years ago.I see one training company - Bootlin s...
I use STM32CUBEMX 5.5.0 create code for Nucleo-G474RE, when I set PIN PC2 to GPIO_EXTI2, after create code, the code didn't create correct code, only create two lines for EXTI15_10_IRQn​, how EXTI15_10_IRQn can handle PC2?