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Hello Community,I'm currently programming a framework for the STM32F3 ADC. However I ran into a problem. I want my ADC to run continuously. Moreover I expect "long" delays between reading the channels. I thought, this is no problem, since the ADC has...
Hi,i designed myself a PCB with a STM32F030 with breakout pin (SWDIO, SWCLK, NRST, GND, UART1_TX, UART1_RX). When I try to debug it with VS Code, it doesn't work. I tried it with stutil, openocd (on st-link v2) as well as bmp (on BMP Bumpy). Nothing ...
Hi,i designed a board with a STM32F030 and already flashed and debugged it with success. However i used a Nucleo Board in order to flash it and I cannot connect to the target anymore. I also want to mention that i used the regular ST-LINK V2 as well....