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Forum Posts

How to print a multidimensional array in stm32 eclipse

Is there any way to print a multidimensional array to console in eclipse for stm32. I am able to print a one dimensional array via UART. However , printing a 2 dimensional array via UART or to the console in eclipse seems impossible. Could anyone h...

KA by Associate II
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ADC conversion using periodic timer

I want to use a periodic timer to trigger an ADC conversion (which uses DMA).I have the periodic timer working OK on its own, and the ADC conversion with DMA working on its own... but when I try to put the two together it doesn't seem to trigger the ...

DSabo by Associate III
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Problem With Mpu6050 I2C.

Hi.I am trying to communicate with MPU6050 through I2C protocol. I am using STM32f103VE.The problem I have, is that after start condition and transmitting slave address and slave internal register address, and then starting again,this time with slave...

SIZE of stm32f469ai microcontroller

i am working with STM32F469AI microcontroller interface with the STEVAL-IDP005V1 industrial sensor, when i interface STM32F401RE and STEVAL-IDP005V1 through ST-LINK the disk size shows 520kb is free of 540kb, but the flash memory size of STM32F401R...

v_1 by Associate II
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TIMER2 interrupt not working .

I am trying to blink an led on stm32l476rg nucleo board using CMSIS core and startup file in Keil.I am able to run the Timer2 ,it runs untill it overflows .After overflowing I am trying to clear the SR register in the Timer2 interrupt but after the t...


UART1 issue with STM32F303

Hi All,I am trying to receive data on USART1 but I am not getting data on USART1. Apart from USART1 USART2 & 3 is working fine.As per datasheet USART1 pins are showing on (PE1, PE0 or PC5 & PC4). When I am use PE1 & PE0 that time USART1 is not workin...

ASaxe by Associate II
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adc example on stm32f407vg

i am using stm32f407vg board and trying to run a adc example (adc with dma ) from stm32f4 discovery board examples (en.stsw-stm32068) and when i run this example and try to debug the variable adcconverted value and conversionvalue i am getting a valu...

Vtrai by Associate II
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erasing flash stm32f779ii

I'm trying to erase sectors 11,12 in the STM32F779II, I have been running into that problem for one week without a solution.So Right now I'm trying to check if there is ANY write protection on sectors 11,12. But There is NO write Protection error.How...