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STM32L081KZ,Dual-Boot,TIMER2 upgrade interrupt is valid in bank1, switch to bank2 is invalid! then switch to bank1 is valid???how

code 1: start:int main(void){ /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ LL_SYSCFG_SetRemapMemory(LL_SYSCFG_REMAP_FLASH); LL_SYSCFG_SetFlashBankMode(LL_SYSCFG_BANKMODE_BANK2);……}code 2:switch:void switchFlashBankToUpgrade(uint16_t BootBank){ HAL_FLASH_OB_Unlock();​ HAL...

Ewei.765 by Associate
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touch issue with STM32f303

Hi all,STM32F303 is as capability to sens touch which is surface touch principal . I am trying to get the values on STM studio but unfortunately i am not able to see any values on it. there always a flat line. I am posting my code can anyone tell me ...

ASaxe by Associate II
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How to relocate interrupt vector table in STM32L151RD?

Hello!I have written a simple application that reads a byte on USART (in an interrupt) and then sends the same byte back (simple USART echo). I have no problem running this application on various STM32 devices as long as the firmware is programmed at...

dzikos by Associate II
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ADC3 Multichannel Scan Mode using DMA not working.

I tried doing line by line debugging to find out that Error code is being set by:HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_DMA_Start_IT(DMA_HandleTypeDef *hdma, uint32_t SrcAddress, uint32_t DstAddress, uint32_t DataLength)To be specific, this line of the code:else   {...

sbstek by Associate
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SPI clock only giving 400mv

Hi I am trying spi master on the stm32h7 nucleo board, when I am measuring the spi clock it looks like it is only giving me 400mV max, can someone explain to me why and how to solve it? Thanks!

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