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Using a timer to trigger DMA to read ADC.

Hello,I'm using the STM32F779.I have a timer configured to to trigger an ADC (single channel) using the timers TRGO.This is working great but I'd like to have a DMA handle the transfer.The timer triggers every 2ms and I'm running the timer for severa...

Rocko by Associate
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Hex to Char without change!

Hi every body!How Can I convert byteArray[] (in hex format) to data[] (in char format):uint8_t byteArray[] = { 0x4D, 0x04, 0x01, 0x18, 0x05, 0x05, 0x0C, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x05, 0x0F };char data[] = "4D04011805050C0E0C050F";Thank you!

QSPI - How to exit memory mapped mode

How to exit memory mapped mode in STM32H7I tryied: with HAL_QSPI_Abort() is working in STM32F7, but in STM32H7 return error

Andrew1 by Associate II
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I'm using the STM32F0 discovery board and trying to interface it with a Tianma TFT display. I need help to find a library file for display driver IC ST7789vi, using 3-wire SPI interface (MOSI, SCK & CS).

I'm working on a project using STM32F0 discovery board and we bought a TFT LCD from a local distributor, part number TM028HDHG59. The datasheet they sent mentioned it has the driver IC ST7789vi and it has RGB/3-wire SPI interface. Since I'm new to ST...

Resolved! STM32L082 - flash download failed

Hi,We use the STM32L082 which is used in the Murata LoRa ABZ type 078. Somehow the flasing does not work and I am trying to find a way to deal with it.Programming Failed! Error: Flash Download failed - "Cortex-M0+" Flash Load finished at 11:30:08I am...

I'm monitorating heart rate by the MAX30100( using the MCU STM32F4. I'm trying read the IR and RED data from the FIFO, but all returns are **ZERO**.

I'm monitorating heart rate by the MAX30100( using the MCU STM32F4. I'm trying read the IR and RED data from the FIFO, but all returns are **ZERO**. The method `MAX30100_Get_Num_Samples...

I am developing a product that uses an STM32F103. I spent the last two days debugging the USART1 port due to multiple issues with the controlling SBC and the ARM GNU stdio lib.

I got everything working but it turns out that there is an undocumented feature with the RTS line. Even after I bypassed the HW bug with the CAN peripheral (that was documented in your errata sheet), it still would not raise the RTS line when its RD...

PhilSter by Associate II
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Resolved! Is a single FSMC access interruptable ?

Hi,I'm wondering if a FSMC access interruptable? in another word, do I have to disable interrupt before accessing to the external memory with FSMC, then recover the interrupt status after? Or just use it as it is a internal memory, access it freely? ...

STM32H743 cannot use HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA with Nor Flash

I'm working on STM32H743 applied SPI DMA with MT25 QL128ABA1(NOR Flash) and initial mode to master mode.My problem is I cannot receive (HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA) return data when I use HAL_SPI_Transmit_DMA by run code through but I can receive return data...

ryawi by Associate
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