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Forum Posts

The speed of the stm32 GPIO (different series).

Dear engineers. I want to read an extern parallel ADC directly connected to GPIO ports of stm32 microcontroller and clocked from it. It is necessary to make 1000 readings from the ADC with a maximum speed and write them to stm32 memory. What is the m...

stm32f411 tim5 and tim9 can not use to be TIM_Encoder mode

int main(void){ HAL_Init(); BSP_LED_Init(LED3); BSP_LED_Init(LED4);BSP_LED_Init(LED5);BSP_LED_Init(LED6); /* Initialize TIM3 to emulate a quadrature encoder outputs */ Init_TIM_Emulator(&EmulatorHandle);   UartHandle.Instance     = USARTx;   UartHand...

yuming by Associate II
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How to stabilize the SDADC2 in STM32F373VCT6?

When I connect a voltage source to channel 0 of SDADC2 in single ended mode, then at floating pin and connecting to ground the value displayed is full scale which 65535, while when I connect some voltage like 2V or 3V to same channel then it shows t...

STM32F4 program crashes when interrupt is activated

Hello,I wrote a program for the STM32F4 using the Standard Peripheral library from ST. I compile the source code with the ARM-GCC tool chain and flash it on the chip using OpenOCD in combination with gdb. As long as I do not use interrupts everything...

NAtta by Associate II
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Stm32h750 system flash bank 2

I would like to use the main flash sector for user data and use system bank 2 for code storage. Is it as simple as changing the linker script and the boot address so that code execution starts at the base address of the system flash bank 2?I can't se...

RMcCa by Senior II
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How use ADC DMA Interrupt in CubeIDE?

HiI read ADC 1 channel using DMA transfer to buffer array with length is 8.int16_t aData[8];   HAL_ADC_Start_DMA(&hadc1, (uint32_t*) aData, 8);I want to average data each 8 convertions. I plan to use DMA Interrupt with a counter, when counter reach 8...

NNam.18 by Associate II
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STM32F429 and pcm1808 some I2s question

Hello. Please help me.I want to use pcm1808 ADC in 24bit mode. pcm1808 have a two channels, left and right. I'm generate some code in CubeMX and send recv data to pcm5102 DAC. The sound is transmitted to both channels. But I need to take only the lef...

Igor1 by Associate
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