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I'm trying to run SPI2 (Master Receive Only) such that it continuously DMAs data from the slave. The problem is, it only works when I step over the HAL_SPI_Receive_DMA line... at which point I see SCLK, and it will run forever, until I "resume" th...
Trying to debug why the StLinkv3/Cube isn't bootloading.. According to AN2606, the embedded dfu bootloader for the M7 is in: ITCM-RAM at 0x00000000 (Boot0=0 is FLASH 0x0800 0000)However, once I jump, I don't see the UART TX line go high, which ...
Getting a "Error: Bridge error (BRG_CAN_ERR)". Can't find any documentation about it.The StmLinkV3 is able to program the Nucleo (Stm32H743) via SWD fine. In the screenshot's log section, the first message shows that the StLink doesn't detect the...
Using a Nucleo-H743 board, which unfortunately does not have a FD/CAN example( )But following the code for similar chips, I do see an output on PD1. However...
Trying to figure out how to bootload the Stm32h745 using the BOOT0 and BOOT_ADDX. AN2606 / AN4938 says to use pattern 10, yet that shows the BOOT0 pin can be low OR high with the only difference being the ADDRX. We're interested in only using th...
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