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How to plot real time data in GUI.

I am trying to plot real time data in GUI.But when i run the program of GUI,it shows graph in MATLAB instead of GUI.I am just using command in GUI: run('matlab file name '). Code is written in matlab and calling this file in GUI.Thanks.

Mohan1 by Associate III
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HRTIMER input frequency

Can the HRTIMER input frequeny be lower than the maximum value given in the datasheets? E.g. on a G74 with HRTIMER input at 125 MHz, steps would be nice 250 ps versus 188.2... ps at 170 MHz.The functional description "HRTIM timer is made of a digital...

How to detect interrupt by a timer?

Hi all,I know how to program a time base interrupt by a timer in HAL, but now I'm learning about do it in CMSIS, with a STM32F303CCT6 MCU.My question is, in RM0316 doc, page 287, it talks about the Interrupts and Exceptions Vectors, wioth a total of ...

JAlca by Senior
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H743 two SDMMC not work Simultaneously

hi i working on stm32h743vit to have two uSD card Simultaneously i use fatfs and SDIO 1 and SDIO 2each sd card working in Single mode for SDIO 1 and SDIO 2but i merge and change something to work correctly but in main just mount work ....i cant find ...

stive by Associate II
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Resolved! STM32H743 Cortex-M7 core revision?

Hi!I was wondering which ARM Cortex-M7 revision does the STM32H743 uses.Does all the H7 family use the same core rev?Asking because we currently have a STM32F746 and we want to avoid de single stepping bug while debigging from the r0p0 and r0p1 core ...

STM32L4 Wrong MSI speed

Hello! I noticed a speed error on MCU L476 and L433. When setting MSI frequency to 1 MHz, the frequency is 1015.5. (Auto trimered by LSE, LSE enabled and work well) At higher frequencies, the operation is normal. What could be the reason?

Chip Select pin for external NAND flash

Hello,I'm going to use the Memory connector CN11 and CN12 on STM32H753I-EVAL to evaluate an external NAND flash memory. According to the reference manual of RM0433 page 838, the Chip Select is NCE, but NCE could not be found on the pin list of CN11 a...

JYu.3 by Associate II
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