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Forum Posts

How are STM32G4 ADC RAIN max datasheet values calculated

The datasheet values for RAIN max are somewhat onerous, as I would need to buffer pretty much all my ADC inputs to support decently fast sampling. But they don't seem to fit with the equation suggested by the design guides. Is there something about t...

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Lee3 by Associate III
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Pull up /Pull down of GPIOs in STM32F427VGT6.

Hi,Could you please let me know the default state(Pull up /Pull down) of GPIOs in STM32F427VGT6. Especially I need to know the default state of GPIOs PC4, PB10, PA7 inorder to verify the strapping options for an external Ethernet phy interface. Iam i...

AThom.17 by Associate II
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Resolved! TIM8_CH2 and TIM8_CH2N at the same time ?

Hello,I am trying to drive a piezo with complementary output from a timer. I am using TIM8_CH2 and TIM8_CH2 as control logic for my piezo command. I expect it to be complementary to increase volume of the piezo. TIM8 is configured as slave of TIM2 th...

SBACO by Associate III
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Resolved! STM32H7 series programming flowchart

I remember seeing a flowchart showing the order in which interfaces are checked for activity during programming when the BOOT pin is pulled, but I have been through the datasheet, programming manual and Google and can't find it now. Can anybody poin...

MikeDB by Lead
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H745 MDMA document error? (RM0399)

In 15.5.12, the register definition for mdma_ctbr , i am having trouble understanding the dbus and sbus bit descriptions. Shouldn't the choices be between tcm/axi and ahb/system and not system/axi and ahb/tcm as the latter is mixing the domains toget...

RMcCa by Senior II
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STM32H750 UART4 + RS485 + DMA not working

Hi,I have some problems with UART4 on STM32H750. Uart4 is asynchronous RS485 mode mapped on PC11,PC10 and PA15 (DE).I tried to SWAP RX/TX without succeed. Finally, I swapped it by wire.DMA not working properly. DMA Counter works. Memory address neve...

BSANT.17 by Associate II
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WIFI configuration

I am using stm32F103C8T6 controller, How to configure ATWINC1500 for WiFi establish?Please help me for how to develop connection between stm32F103C8T6 to ATWINC1500.