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Forum Posts

UART IDLE LINE interrupt

hi, I need some advice, I'm trying to implement the IDLE_LINE interrupt for a UART with DMA. I simply need to receive a variable length buffer. I searched the internet and put together various code snippets, I came to this:in main.c:__HAL_UART_ENABLE...

Reading RTC after wakeup from standby mode

Good day,I'm using an STM32L152RE and utilize the standby mode quite often. Upon cold start, I set the RTC and I am able to enter standby mode and wakeup from standby mode based on the RTC time and alarm events.My problem is this: I don't understand ...

Resolved! STM32CubeProgrammer in Linux

Posted on February 22, 2018 at 21:09I have just installed the new STM32CubeProgrammer for Linux but it won't run. I see the error 'Error: Could not find or load main class'. Anyone else come across this problem that has a fix?I went ...

Resolved! CAN Bus Extid paramater is not transmitting

Hello, I have setup the CAN bus to transmit and has been working fine. I now need a feature which requires the ExtID but this isn't getting transmitted. I have debugged both and can see that the ExtId is getting transmitted but not received, I'm wond...

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MikeP by Senior
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How are STM32G4 ADC RAIN max datasheet values calculated

The datasheet values for RAIN max are somewhat onerous, as I would need to buffer pretty much all my ADC inputs to support decently fast sampling. But they don't seem to fit with the equation suggested by the design guides. Is there something about t...

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Lee3 by Associate III
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Pull up /Pull down of GPIOs in STM32F427VGT6.

Hi,Could you please let me know the default state(Pull up /Pull down) of GPIOs in STM32F427VGT6. Especially I need to know the default state of GPIOs PC4, PB10, PA7 inorder to verify the strapping options for an external Ethernet phy interface. Iam i...

AThom.17 by Associate II
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