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Forum Posts

STM32 timer ETR mode + slave reset

Hi,I need to periodically count the number of pulses of signal A between two rising edges of signal B. For that I use a timer (TIM2) in ETR mode (signal A is the ETR input), input capture on signal B and slave trigger+reset on signal B rising edge.No...

PKulh by Associate II
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I downloaded In-Application Programming with UART -software example package for my STM32G0, but it did not include direct example projects for this MPU family, and I found it not so straightforward to port any of the provided to this MPU.

So does anyone know if this kind of examples for this MPU family are on the way? Or have someone done this porting and have tips for helping out with the job?

KPeso.1 by Associate II
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Timer resolution question

Hello,I have a project in which I use an external timer module. I want to measure the time that a function takes. I have a function say _time returnTime() which is configured in such a way that it returns a time with 10 microsecond resolution. In the...

PPopo by Senior
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